Friday, April 2, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

"No Name, Vampire Diaries" - Commercial

This is promo for a radio tie-in between No Name on Live 105 and The Vampire Diaries on the CW

Directed by Rob Genolio

Tempo No Tempo "Pole Position" - Official Music Video

This is my first music video for French Press Films. It features all kinds of very cool in camera effects. All the wipes and back ground actions are in camera no green screen ;-)

Tempo No Tempo
"Pole Position"
Directed by Andrew Juncker
Produced by French Press Films
Shot on the 7D

Drew Deezy, Thai, Nump Trump "Go Hard" - Offical Music Video

Drew Deezy
Nump Trump
"Go Hard"
Directed by Tha Razor
Red 2k and 7D

Doeboy "Ride On Our Enemys" - Official Music Video

Philly Freeway
"Ride On Our Enemys"
Directed by Tha Razor
Shot on the 7D

The Sandwitches "Kiss Your Feet" - Offical Music Video

This is my second colaboration with Joey Izzo. So far both times I've worked with Joey I've been pretty beat up, but really happy with the results ;-) We met at 9am to drive to the location where I pre-lit till sun down; then we shot through the night and drove back home after a 40 minute nap in the morning. All that sleep deprivation really paid off because we came back with a kick ass video.

The Sandwitches
"Kiss Your Feet"
Directed by Joey Izzo
Shot on the 7D