Last post I talked at length about using the Grass Valley Infinity, which we were going to be using inside San Quentin prison. But production is a fluid thing, and the model we got for the shoot went down the first weekend we had it. There was a problem with the line level inputs on the camera, which needed to be handled at the factory. Grass Valley was great once I alerted them to the issue, but I needed another camera that day so I picked up a HPX2000 from VMI and kept that for the rest of the shoot. The panasonic handled everything beautifully and it became our go to camera for those long days walking around the prison. The HPX turned out to be a better fit for our production; even though it is a lower resolution camera than the Infinity, I found the greater dynamic range and highlight handling, coupled with the P2 workflow, which is so seemless in FCP to be the deciding factors. In a studio I may have come to a different choice, but hey San Quentin is far from a studio.
DP/Producer - The Trust